Informed Infrastructure Investment

Saskatchewan consulting engineers and geoscientists have more than a passing interest in the state of the province’s infrastructure.   Approximately 2000 professionals with a broad spectrum of expertise are the stewards of substantial Saskatchewan economic investment. Directly or indirectly they influence approximately $2B annually in Saskatchewan capital asset investment decisions.

Led by professionals legislated to protect public safety, the consulting engineering and geoscience industry is a key contributor to infrastructure delivery. Technical and significant business expertise ensures informed infrastructure investment.

Why does infrastructure investment need to be a key issue?

Today’s knowledge-based infrastructure decisions are an investment in our future.


Why Invest in Infrastructure?

Sustained Investment is Essential to Saskatchewan’s Future Prosperity and Quality of Life

Deferring Infrastructure Investment Now Makes Investment More Expensive Later

“A Penny Now, or a Dollar Later”: The Canadian Infrastructure Report Card points out there will be a cost to delaying infrastructure repairs, rehabilitation, or renewal. The report card also emphasizes the importance of having an asset-management system to prioritize investment to achieve best value.

Canadian Infrastructure Report Card (Highlights) 
Federation of Canadian Municipalities et al., 2016

Infrastructure Protects the Environment

Without sufficient infrastructure investment, current levels of environmental protection will degrade and future needs will not be met.

The Measures That Matter: How Canada's Natural Resource Sector is Working to Protect the Environment 
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce, 2014

Infrastructure Supports a Competitive Economy

A competitive economy relies on stable, efficient infrastructure that has kept up with current and future economic needs.

The Foundations of a Competitive Canada: The Need for Strategic Infrastructure Investment 
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce, 2013

Strategic Infrastructure Investment Provides Best Value for Saskatchewan Taxpayers

Strategic infrastructure investments increase productivity and provide the highest economic and social returns, and consider:

At the Intersection: The Case for Sustained and Strategic Public Infrastructure Investment
Canada West Foundation, 2013

Public Infrastructure Underinvestment – Risk to Canada’s Economic Growth 

Public Infrastructure Underinvestment: The Risk to Canada’s Economic Growth 
Residential and Civil Construction Alliance of Ontario, 2010

What is Infrastructure?

Infrastructure is the term used to describe all of the systems in place that support communities of any size.  These systems tend to be one time high-cost investments, requiring on-going maintenance to ensure safety and project longevity.

Transportation, water and sewer, power, energy, communication systems, schools, libraries, hospitals, fire, police and emergency services facilities are vital to the wellbeing of a community. These services are easily identified as Infrastructure. 

Infrastructure is the sum total of built facilities and equipment owned and maintained by municipal, provincial and national governments and financed by monies raised through taxation. Therefore it is imperative that infrastructure investments are strategic, predictable and ongoing in order to provide the best value and return on investments for Saskatchewan taxpayers. 

What is Infrastructure Asset Management?

Saskatchewan communities are all supported by a vast infrastructure that has been developing and expanding for more than a century.  Infrastructure represents a major investment and requires the best asset management tools to build and maintain sustainable services.

The goal of infrastructure management is to inventory these assets to ensure full value is achieved through the lifecycle of every asset, which in turn allows the owners of this infrastructure to prioritize needs based on the assessment results.

Taking a lifecycle approach
The key elements of infrastructure asset management are:

This formal approach to the management of infrastructure assets is essential for Saskatchewan to maintain existing assets through targeted lifecycle and ensuring ongoing development achieves desired expectations.

Spending Infrastructure monies wisely

A large percentage of Saskatchewan’s infrastructure is past its prime. Residents see the need to address deterioration issues and the need to accommodate community growth.  The inability to meet the demand for infrastructure monies can create economic and growth challenges for the province.  

As custodians and purchasers of provincial infrastructure, all levels of government must work collectively to ensure funding allocation addresses priorities.  Infrastructure investments need to be strategic, predictable and ongoing in order to provide the best value and return on investments for Saskatchewan taxpayers.  

Decisions made during the project selection, planning, design and construction have ramifications over the entire life of a project.  A community will have to live with the outcome of those decisions for decades, even generations. 

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