
The Awards

Once a year, ACEC-SK promotes and acknowledges the achievements of its members and their teams. Individual awards acknowledge an industry leader, a young professional excelling in his or her field, and a sustained and inspirational mentor. 

ACEC-SK Award Categories

The Brian Eckel Awards showcase the exceptional consulting engineering and geoscience projects by ACEC-SK member firms.  Accepting a Brian Eckel Award from the qualified judging panel publicly acknowledges the accomplishments of the member firm and its team.

Award Categories

The Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan Meritorious Achievement Award recognizes a Saskatchewan resident for their outstanding career achievements and contributions to the consulting engineering and geoscience industry in the province.

The Future Leaders Award acknowledges the success and value of a young industry professional in their field of expertise and contributing to the promotion of the business of consulting engineering/geoscience.

The Mentor Award recognizes the sustained and inspirational mentorship efforts of those who are employed by an ACEC-SK member.

Creating the Community Initiatives Award provides ACEC-SK the opportunity to recognize the good works being done in communities by Saskatchewan Consulting engineering and geoscience firms.



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